9 Results for: (Concept:00523786-a)
10048 彻底 弄清楚 原因

The marks are perfectly fresh . (eng)

10121 方面 假如 系统 相信 咱们 彻底 弄清楚

The bedrooms in this wing are on the ground floor , the sitting-rooms being in the central block of the buildings . (eng)

11177 " 福尔摩斯 十分 肯定 听到 口哨声 金属 碰撞 保证

" ' If it really annoys you , Hilton , we might go and travel , you and I , and so avoid this nuisance . ' (eng)

61156 彻底 看清 候选人 是否 足以 国民 代表 政治 志向

Thoroughly evaluate whether or not the candidates possess the " political vision " worthy of being the " people 's representatives " ; (eng)

61548 方面 文部省 应该 尽早 修改 死板 日制 面向 完全 日制 彻底 修改 学习 指导 要领

Meanwhile , the Ministry_of_Education should amend this restrictive five-day school system and tackle the drastic revision of the educational guidelines towards a complete five-day school system . (eng)

61859 首先 必须 严肃 指出 使 河野 总裁 如此 力主 彻底 清除 金权 腐败 体质 提高 自净 能力 具体 措施 几乎 落实

We have to make sure it to be strongly pointed out that the specific measures to thoroughly clean up the party 's money-oriented and corrupt status and to reinforce the self-purification capability that President_Kono had urged have been practically left untouched . (eng)

61864 自民党 必须 深刻 认识 现状 大会 开成 回到 宣誓 再生 改革 出发点 彻底 讨论 大会

The LDP must strictly recognize the current situation of the party , go back to square one where they pledged for rejuvenation and reform , and make the convention a forum to thoroughly examine these issues . (eng)

62032 上次 首相 雄辩 没有 什么 时候 现在 这样 需要 我们 彻底 消除 政治 腐败 勾结 体制 造成 国民 政治 不信任 以及 建立 真正 代表 国民 利益 健全 政党 政治 然而 乏味 力图 实现 充分 体现 选举 制度 宗旨 政党 为主 政治 彻底 防止 腐败

Where Mr._Murayama had been eloquent in his last speech remarking that " efforts to dispel the public distrust in politics caused by corruption , collusive structure of the government , bureaucrats and industry and other related problems and to establish sound party politics that will truly speak for the benefit of the people are needed now more than ever , " in this speech he was curt , and said that his government would " realize the party-oriented politics making the most of the intent of the new electoral system and to ensure the total ban of corruption . " (eng)

62133 当然 居民 彻底 了解 系统 内容

It is a matter of course to provide the residents with the details of such system in full . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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