9 Results for: (Concept:00345761-v)
10354 木々 道端 生垣 新芽 出し 始め 空気 気持ち いい 湿っ 匂い 満ち

The trees and wayside hedges were just throwing out their first green shoots , and the air was full of the pleasant smell of the moist earth . (eng)

10395 足場 いくつか 作ら おり 石積 工事 始め られ いる よう だっ 我々 訪れ とき 石工 なかっ

Some scaffolding had been erected against the end wall , and the stone-work had been broken into , but there were no signs of any workmen at the moment of our visit . (eng)

11071 その 依頼 緊張 ため その 硬く 大きな もじもじ ながら 始め

" I 'm not much of a story-teller , " said our visitor , nervously clasping and unclasping his great , strong hands . (eng)

11311 ぐずぐず 早速 聞き取り 捜査 始め ましょ

" In that case I should be glad to hear the evidence and to examine the premises without an instant of unnecessary delay . (eng)

11663 そこで 調子 乗っ あいつ 脅し 始め です

Then my temper got the better of me , and I began to threaten her . (eng)

11927 この 縋り つい どこ まで のぼっ 行け きっと 地獄 から ぬけ 出せる 相違 ござい ませ

If he held onto this thread and climbed and climbed , he must be able to get out of hell . (eng)

11930 こう 思い まし から 犍陀多 早速 その 蜘蛛 両手 しっかり つかみ ながら 一生懸命 たぐり のぼり 始め まし

As soon as he thought this , Kandata promptly grabbed the spider 's thread firmly with both hands and climbed upwards with all his might . (eng)

11937 この のぼっ 行け 地獄 から ぬけ 出す 存外 わけ ない かも 知れ ませ

If he continued in this manner , getting out of hell may not be impossible . (eng)

11959 自分 ばかり 地獄 から ぬけ 出そ する 犍陀多 無慈悲 そうして その 相当 うけ 地獄 落ち しまっ 釈迦 から 見る 浅間しく 思召さ ござい ましょ

Seeing the selfish soul that tried to be the only one to escape from hell receive a fit punishment by falling back to hell , Buddha must have been disappointed . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>