4 Results for: (Concept:00158503-v)
60137 The Ministry_of_Health and Welfare analyzes , " Relatively high-aged single women started to go into late marriages several years ago , probably raising the number of births . If the marriages of second baby boomers follow this trend , the birth dearth might be stopped . "
60273 Xinhua news agency says People_'s_Bank_of_China , the central bank of China , will raise the interest rate on loans to financial institutions , which we call the official discount rate , by 0.24_% on average , starting 1st .
103828 One of the rare restaurant business models that allow you to pay whatever amount you view as reasonable , Annalakshmi sure has raised the bar for innovative contributions to charity .
104064 And this is due largely to the government 's support and initiatives in raising the profile of the arts scene .

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