9 Results for: (Concept:00147126-r)
10415 " That is not quite so common , is it ?
18726 On my alighting there he turned the carriage , and dashed away again without so much as a look in my direction .
46302 ' I do n't know much about the tariff and things of that kind , ' said he , ' but it seems to me we 've got a bit off the trail so far as that note is concerned . '
48698 I have no doubt that you and I could carry it so far .
60120 But the U.S. initiative so far only focused on developed nations , and its rush demands faced strong criticism from developing countries .
60210 In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced , " Privatization so far has been only one-sided . However , as day comes with night and life with death , privatization should be accompanied by nationalization , " thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far .
102612 The dishes here are so complex and carefully created that you 'll be hard-pressed to find similar ones anywhere else .
102869 But bear this in mind : A good ice kachang is one where the ice is cleanly shaven to very small bits ; so much so that when you put a spoonful in your mouth , the ice should just melt in your mouth together with the sweet tasting syrup .
103912 It 's not so much about the numbers increasing if you consider some European countries which have the same population or are even smaller than Singapore , they have like five Esplanades which sell-out every night ; four ballet companies ; repertory and Shakespeare theatres that do all kinds of classical and contemporary stuff ; and they can do an entire season on subscriptions .

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