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Short Stories (story)

The Adventure of the Final Problem (fina)

18719    'Yes.'
18720    It was in vain that I asked Holmes to remain for the evening.
18721    It was evident to me that he thought he might bring trouble to the roof he was under, and that that was the motive which impelled him to go.
18722    With a few hurried words as to our plans for the morrow he rose and came out with me into the garden, clambering over the wall which leads into Mortimer Street, and immediately whistling for a hansom, in which I heard him drive away.
18723    In the morning I obeyed Holmes's injunctions to the letter.
18724    A hansom was procured with such precautions as would prevent its being one which was placed ready for us, and I drove immediately after breakfast to the Lowther Arcade, through which I hurried at the top of my speed.
18725    A brougham was waiting with a very massive driver wrapped in a dark cloak, who, the instant that I had stepped in, whipped up the horse and rattled off to Victoria Station.
18726    On my alighting there he turned the carriage, and dashed away again without so much as a look in my direction.
18727    So far all had gone admirably.
18728    My luggage was waiting for me, and I had no difficulty in finding the carriage which Holmes had indicated, the less so as it was the only one in the train which was marked 'Engaged'.
18729    My only source of anxiety now was the non-appearance of Holmes.
18730    The station clock marked only seven minutes from the time when we were due to start.
18731    In vain I searched among the groups of travellers and leave-takers for the lithe figure of my friend.
18732    There was no sign of him.
18733    I spent a few minutes in assisting a venerable Italian priest, who was endeavouring to make a porter understand, in his broken English, that his luggage was to be booked through to Paris.

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