7 Results for: (Concept:00146281-r)
10337 その後 たぶん この について 資料 少々 られる だろ から 民法 博士 会館 まで 歩い いく

And now , Watson , we shall order breakfast , and afterwards I shall walk down to Doctors ' Commons , where I hope to get some data which may help us in this matter . " (eng)

11091 それで 言葉 そのまま 受け入れ その後 この 約束 かたく 守っ まし

I told her that I was content to take her on her own terms , and I have been as good as my word . (eng)

11092 そして その後 ども この あいだ 結婚 生活 続け 参り まし ども 実に 幸福 でし

" Well we have been married now for a year , and very happy we have been . (eng)

11097 その後 別段 その こと について 言い ませ でし また 約束 に従って その こと について 一言 触れ ませ でし

She made no allusion to it afterwards , and I made none , for a promise is a promise , but she has never known an easy hour from that moment . (eng)

11208 しかし まだ 驚く こと あり まし やつ その後 現れ らしく 翌朝 なっ 見る 昨夜 もの さらに いくつ 描か です

And yet the amazing thing is that he must have been there all the time , for when I examined the door again in the morning , he had scrawled some more of his pictures under the line which I had already seen . " (eng)

11252 それ よれ その後 身辺 静穏 その また 日時計 長い 書き込み あっ から その 写し 同封

All was quiet with him , save that a long inscription had appeared that morning upon the pedestal of the sundial . (eng) He inclosed a copy of it , which is here reproduced : (eng)

11697 ヒルトン キュー ビット 夫人 について その後 快癒 知らせ 受け取っ ものの 再婚 余生 救貧 事業 亡き 遺産 管理 捧げ いる 聞く のみ ある

Of Mrs. Hilton Cubitt I only know that I have heard she recovered entirely , and that she still remains a widow , devoting her whole life to the care of the poor and to the administration of her husband 's estate . (eng)

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