10 Results for: (Concept:00034641-r)
12 李纳斯 尽早 发布 所有 托付 并且 包容 泛滥 地步 开发 风格 实在 诧异

126 尽早 尽量 频繁 发布 Linux 开发 模式 重要 部分

60037 根据 通常 国会 进展 状况 中国 情况 机会 希望 尽早 访问 中国

I would like to visit China as soon as possible if there is any opportunity to do so , considering both the status of the ordinary session of the Diet and the situation of China . (eng)

61466 政党 需要 排除 主见 政权 争夺战 离合 聚散 磨砺 政策 提案 能力 尽早 打出 理论 具有 协调性 同时 差别 各自 政策 体系

It is necessary for each party to eliminate the scramble for power and party dissolution or formation without any definite view of its own , cultivate the ability to propose policies , and , as soon as possible , hammer out an original policy system that is logically coherent and , at the same time , different from that for other parties . (eng)

61548 方面 文部省 应该 尽早 修改 死板 日制 面向 完全 日制 彻底 修改 学习 指导 要领

Meanwhile , the Ministry_of_Education should amend this restrictive five-day school system and tackle the drastic revision of the educational guidelines towards a complete five-day school system . (eng)

61637 必须 尽早 制止 这个 趋势

Such rising trend must be stopped immediately . (eng)

61644 美国 助理 国务卿 罗德 迎接 首相 记者 会见 会谈 定位 访 首相 就任 尽早 访问 华盛顿 日本 传统 惯例

At the press conference held just before greeting the prime minister , Mr._Winston_Lord , the Assistant_Secretary_of_State , put Mr._Murayama 's visit as " a Japanese tradition where the prime minister pays a visit to Washington , DC at the earliest opportunity after taking office . " (eng)

61757 所以 应该 尽早 时机 召开 先进 财政 部长 [ 中央 银行 行长 会议 分析 局势 准备 协调 对策

That is why the finance ministers and the presidents of the central banks of the Group of Seven leading industrial nations should meet at the earliest opportunity to analyze the situation and come up with coordinated countermeasures . (eng)

61960 政府 执政党 在野党 重要 应该 首先 竭尽全力 致力于 阪神 地震 灾害 修复 对策 采取 万无一失 措施 使 灾民 尽早 摆脱 避难 生活 恢复 稳定 日常 生活 同时 努力 建立 通过 震灾 教训 得到 根本 防震 防灾 对策

The government as well as ruling and opposition parties first and foremost must concentrate their efforts on emergency recovery measures related to the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , and in addition to taking action to help the victims to return to a stable daily life outside of the shelters as soon as possible , it should work on establishing the fundamental anti-earthquake and disaster prevention measures utilizing the lessons they have learned from the latest earthquake . (eng)

62011 整个 日本 已经 进入 地震 活动期 看法 担心 发生 东海 地震 首都 地区 直下型 地震 应该 尽早 完善 迎击 地震 体制

As there is concern that a Tokai earthquake and a Tokyo_Metropolitan_Area near-field earthquake may occur , in addition to the emerging views that the entire country has entered an active seismic period , we believe the time has come for us to have in place a system to confront a major earthquake immediately . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>