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Albanet (omw-sq 1.4: sq)

This page gives some information about Albanet, as it is loaded into the Open Multilingual Wordnet on 2023-01-23 11:46:33. The upstream project homepage may have more information than shown here.

The contact email is <bond@ieee.org>.


No description in the upload.

The license is CC-BY-3.0.

Canonical citation for this data:
Ervin Ruci. 2008. *On the current state of Albanet and related applications*. Technical Report, University of Vlora.
Please attribute the data properly!

Statistics for Albanet (omw-sq 1.4)
Synsets Words Forms Senses CILI % Core % Def % Ex % Freq %
4,675 6,489 6,489 9,599 100.0 30.8 99.9 55.1 0.0

CILI % is the percentage of synsets linked to CILI.
Core % is the percentage of core synsets covered (1,528 synsets).
Def and Ex % are the percentages of synsets with definitions (4,671 synsets) and examples (2,576 synsets) respectively.
Freq is the % of senses with a non-zero frequency (0 senses with 0 instances).

POS Statistics for Albanet (omw-sq 1.4)
POS Synsets % Words % Senses % Examples
noun 3,203 68.5 4,259 65.6 6,038 62.9 entity, unit, unit
verb 1,438 30.8 2,166 33.4 3,481 36.3 blink, blink, blink
adjective 34 0.7 64 1.0 80 0.8 next, next, other

LaTeX for statistics


Should show the number of senses with examples.

The uploaded file is <here>.