Arabic, Standard: كانُون الثّانِي; يَنَايِر
Japanese: 一月
Indonesian: januari; Januari; Jan.
Standard Malay: Januari; Jan.; Jan
Abui: foho ía
English: the first month of the year; begins 10 days after the winter solstice
Japanese: 1年の最初の月; 冬至の10日後に始まる
Synset Relations
Synset Sources
Princeton Wordnet
(3.0) with confidence 1;
Arabic WordNet (AWN v2)
(1.4) with confidence 1;
Japanese Wordnet
(1.9.0) with confidence 1;
Wordnet Bahasa --- Indonesian
(2.0) with confidence 1;
Wordnet Bahasa --- Malay
(2.0) with confidence 1;
Abui Wordnet
(0.1) with confidence 1