Results for « 通气孔 » (cmn)
通风, 通气孔+的, 通风+的, 通气+的, 通气孔, 通气
     provided with ventilation or involving pulmonary ventilation
通气管, 通气装置, 一种潜艇换气装置, 通气孔, 通气 管, 水下 通气 管, 水下通气管, 潜艇换气装置, 潜艇 换气 装置, 通气 装置, 一 种 潜艇 换气 装置
snorkel, schnorkel, schnorchel, snorkel breather, breather
     air passage provided by a retractable device containing intake and exhaust pipes; permits a submarine to stay submerged for extended periods of time
气孔, 通气孔
air hole
     a hole that allows the passage of air
04526241-n (2)
气孔, 通气孔, 通风孔, 排气孔
vent, venthole, vent-hole, blowhole
     a hole for the escape of gas or air


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