Results for « 赠品 » (cmn)
13272712-n (1)
赠品, 免费样品, 免费 样品
     a gift of public land or resources for the private gain of a limited group
13265011-n (8)
赠品, 赠礼, 礼物
     something acquired without compensation
赠品, 免费 赠品, 免费赠品, 免费的东西, 免费 品, 免费 的 东西, 免费品, 不花钱的东西, 不 花钱 的 东西
freebie, freebee
     something that is free (usually provided as part of a promotional scheme)
13270038-n (6)
赠品, 捐赠, 贡献, 捐助, 捐献
contribution, donation
     a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause
03610270-n (2)
赠品, 信物, 纪念品, 象征
keepsake, souvenir, token, relic
     something of sentimental value
赠品, 赠与, 礼物
bestowal, bestowment
     a gift that is bestowed or conferred
13268146-n (14)
赠品, 奖品, , 奖金
prize, award
     something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
赠品, 免费 赠品, 小 赠品, 免费赠品, 小赠品
     a small gift (especially one given by a merchant to a customer who makes a purchase)


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