Results for « 胜利 » (cmn)
06706676-n (4)
奖章, 胜利, 纪念章, 奖牌
medal, decoration, laurel wreath, ribbon, palm, medallion
     an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
01101913-v (24)
击败, 胜利, 征服, , 胜过, 痛击, 打败,
beat, crush, beat out, vanquish, shell, trounce
     come out better in a competition, race, or conflict
02333314-a (2)
, 胜利, 致胜+的, 致胜, 赢+的, 得胜+的, 胜利+的, 得胜
winning, victorious
     having won
00695209-a (1)
胜利, 获胜+的, 胜利+的, 得胜, 获胜
triumphant, victorious
     experiencing triumph
02524171-v (28)
V1, V2
达到, 胜利, 获胜, , 成功
succeed, come through, win, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods
     attain success or reach a desired goal
00199437-r (1)
成功, 成功+地, 胜利
     in a victorious manner
02331262-a (42)
胜利, 成功, 结果良好+的, 结果良好, 结果 良好, 胜利+的, 成功+的
     having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome
未曾 被 击败, 胜利, 未曾被击败+的, 未曾被击败, 获胜
07473441-n (48)
胜战, 凯旋, 胜利, 喜悦, 成功, , 夺杯
victory, triumph
     a successful ending of a struggle or contest
00704898-a (9)
耀武扬威+的, 耀武 扬威, 胜利, 耀武扬威, 得意扬扬, 得意洋洋, 胜利而欢欣雀跃, 胜利 而 欢欣 雀跃, 得意洋洋+的, 凯旋, 得胜
triumphant, exultant, jubilant, rejoicing, exulting, prideful, triumphal
     joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success
01100145-v (71)
V1, V2
嬴取, 击败, 胜利, 获胜, , 必胜, 夺冠, 称霸, 捧杯, 取胜, 夺魁, 夺杯
     be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious
00064018-n (1)
胜利, 成功
     succeeding with great difficulty
07528097-n (5)
大胜, 胜利, 成功
     the exultation of victory
大 胜利, 大胜利, 胜利
flying colors, flying colours
     complete success
07354731-n (2)
胜利, , , 成功, 夺杯
     a victory (as in a race or other competition)


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