Results for « 演习 » (cmn)
演习, 策略, 调遣, 手法
maneuver, manoeuvre, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre
     a move made to gain a tactical end
避敌行动, 避敌 行动, 演习, 策略, 调遣
maneuver, manoeuvre, evasive action
     an action aimed at evading an opponent
01109863-v (3)
V1, V2
演习, 调遣, 进行 军事 或 海上 活动, 运行中的, 运行 中的, 进行军事或海上活动, 策略
operate, manoeuver, maneuver, manoeuvre
     perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
00959992-n (5)
演习, 策略, 调遣
maneuver, manoeuvre, simulated military operation
     [in military] a military training exercise
01912145-a (1)
练习, 演习+的, 演习, 演练+的, 练习+的, 演练, 操练
     trained in a skill by repetitious practice
00556313-n (6)
有心 的 行动, 演习, 策略, 有心的行动, 调遣, 手法
play, maneuver, manoeuvre
     a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill
00894552-n (8)
演算, 锻炼, 实行, 行使, 演练, 演习, 操练, 运用, 实践, 习题, 练习, 背诵, 训练
practice, exercise, practice session, drill, recitation
     systematic training by multiple repetitions
仪式, 演习, 典礼, 练习
     a ceremony that involves processions and speeches
演习, 训练, 操练, 操演
     undergo military training or do military exercises
00606093-v (8)
V1, V2
反复 练习, 行使, 实践, 演习, 锻炼, 习题, 训练, 实行, 反复练习, 操练, 练习, 开业, 运用, 磨练,
practice, drill, exercise, practise
     learn by repetition


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