Results for « 来 » (cmn)
02627666-v (7)
发源 於, 来自於, , 来自, 起源于, 来自 於, 发源於
originate in
     come from
02108026-v (286)
体验, , 经验
have, get, receive, experience
     go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
02530167-v (425)
试图, 试试, , , 尝试, 探索, 追求, 企图,
try, attempt, seek, essay, assay
     make an effort or attempt
, , 干杯吧, 干杯
salud, prosit, santy, skoal, salut, skol, slainté, santé, slainte, prost
     an expression that is uttered as a salutation before drinking
00226458-r (1)
超过 一 段 时间, 一 段 时间 内, 超过一段时间, 一段时间内, ,
over, o'er
     throughout a period of time
02005948-v (345)
来到, 来临, , 到达, 出现, 抵达, , 到来, 到临
come, get, arrive
     reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress
00118363-r (79)
这样, 以便, 如此, 为的是,
so, in order, so as
     in a manner that facilitates
00007015-r (118)
大略, 或多或少, 约摸, 将近, 大概, 差不多, 左右, 大约, 大致, , , 前后,
about, approximately, more or less, roughly, or so, close to, just about, some, around
     (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct
01849221-v (283)
来到, , 前来, 过来, 前 来, 走来
come, come up
     move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
01156834-v (62)
, , , 吃,喝, 消费, , 摄食, 吃 , 喝, 饮用, 摄入
have, take, consume, ingest, take in
     serve oneself to, or consume regularly
02006709-v (13)
来到, 被收到, , 被 收到, 到来, 传来, 送来
come in, come
     be received
00108647-r (23)
向这里, 到这里, 到 这里, 向 这里, 向这边,
here, hither, 'ere
     to this place (especially toward the speaker)
00339934-v (319)
V1, VX
碰巧, , 发生
happen, occur, take place, go on, pass, come about, pass off, hap, fall out
     come to pass
远离干扰, 远离 麻烦, , 远离麻烦, , , 远离 干扰
     to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form
02624263-v (75)
, 起来, 源自, 展开, 出现, 发生, 产生, 起源, 起家, 来源, 原产
arise, develop, originate, spring up, grow, rise, uprise
     come into existence; take on form or shape


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