Results for « 暴力 » (cmn)
00965404-n (18)
violence, force
     an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists)
01511854-a (7)
暴力, 狂暴, 强烈+的, 强烈, 激越, 狂暴+的, 激烈, 剧烈, 猛烈, 剧烈+的, 激切
fierce, vehement, violent, tearing, trigger-happy
     marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
01249816-n (1)
破坏 行为, 暴力, 恶意 破坏 的 行为, 暴力行为, 恶意破坏的行为, 破坏行为, 破坏, 暴力 行为
vandalism, hooliganism, malicious mischief
     willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others
13979977-n (2)
暴力, 肆虐, 暴行
     a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction etc.
暴力, 强制, 高压 手段, 高压手段, 粗野+的, 粗野, 强迫
physical, forcible, strong-arm
     impelled by physical force especially against resistance
05037813-n (9)
剧烈, 凶猛, 暴力, 狂暴, 激烈, 凶暴, 猛烈
violence, fury, wildness, ferocity, fierceness, vehemence, furiousness
     the property of being wild or turbulent
02510879-a (8)
暴力, 凶暴+的, 暴烈, 暴力+的, 猛力, 强烈, 猛力+的, 凶暴, , 猛+的
     acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity


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