Results for « 无秩序 » (cmn)
05683582-n (8)
神经错乱, 迷惑, 神经 错乱, 无秩序, 混乱
confusion, disarray, muddiness, mental confusion, confusedness
     a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior
00600192-a (1)
无政府状态+的, 无政府, 无秩序+的, 无政府 状态, 无政府状态, 无政府+的, 无秩序, 无法+的, 无法
lawless, anarchic, anarchical
     without law or control
01666275-a (1)
目无法纪, 骚乱+的, 无秩序+的, 目无法纪+的, 骚乱, 目无 法纪, 无秩序
     undisciplined and unruly
02390569-a (1)
混乱+的, 混乱, 无秩序+的, 浑沌+的, 浑沌, 无秩序, 杂乱无章, 杂乱无章+的
chaotic, disorderly
     completely unordered and unpredictable and confusing
凌乱, 衣冠不整, 紊乱, 杂乱, 不修边幅, 无秩序
disarray, disorderliness
     untidiness (especially of clothing and appearance)
01669507-a (2)
混乱+的, 混乱, 无秩序+的, 浑沌+的, 浑沌, 无秩序
chaotic, helter-skelter
     lacking a visible order or organization
无序, 使凌乱, 紊乱, 杂乱, 扰乱, 使 凌乱, 无秩序, 混乱, 骚动, 骚乱
disorderliness, disorder
     a condition in which things are not in their expected places
13973059-n (2)
无法无天, 混乱 状态, 无政府 状态, 混乱状态, 无秩序, 混乱, 无政府状态
anarchy, lawlessness
     [in government] a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)
未调节, 紊乱, 无秩序+的, 未 调节, 无纪律, 紊乱+的, 无秩序, 无纪律+的
     without regulation or discipline
13975752-n (14)
紊乱, 无秩序, 混乱, 骚乱
     disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably
无秩序, 无法, 无秩序+地, 无政府
     in a lawless rebellious manner
13976322-n (12)
浑沌, 大 混乱, 大混乱, 紊乱, 纷乱, 无秩序, 混乱, 混沌
chaos, pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness
     a state of extreme confusion and disorder
弄乱, 混乱+的, 混乱, 弄乱+的, 杂乱+的, 杂乱, 无秩序
     in disarray
02425529-a (4)
乱七八糟+的, 混乱+的, 紊乱, 混乱, 乱七八糟, 无秩序+的, 杂乱+的, 杂乱, 紊乱+的, 无秩序
jumbled, disorderly, topsy-turvy, hugger-mugger, higgledy-piggledy
     in utter disorder


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