Results for « 忧虑 » (cmn)
01189386-a (8)
令 人 担心, 使 苦恼, 令人担心, 使烦恼, 令 人 烦恼, 令人烦恼, 忧虑, 麻烦, 使 人 烦恼, 使苦恼, 使人烦恼+的, 令人担心+的, 使 烦恼, 烦扰, 使人烦恼
disturbing, distressing, worrisome, distressful, perturbing, troubling, worrying
     causing distress or worry or anxiety
05832264-n (17)
忧虑, 烦恼
worry, headache, concern, vexation
     something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness
02507464-v (20)
V1, V2
担心, 惹 麻烦, 麻烦, 惹麻烦, 忧虑, 打扰, 扰乱, 操心
bother, trouble, trouble oneself, inconvenience oneself
     take the trouble to do something; concern oneself
05951566-n (1)
不安, 忧虑, 焦虑, 疑惧
misgiving, apprehension
     painful expectation
04711435-n (2)
心事, 忧虑, 不便, 烦恼
inconvenience, worriment, troublesomeness
     a difficulty that causes anxiety
07522043-n (1)
恐惧, 忧虑, 惊惶
     a feeling of alarm or dread
焦虑, 不安, 忧虑, 担忧, 惶惑, 恐惧, 忧惧, 害怕
     in fear or dread of possible evil or harm
07524242-n (7)
焦急, 忧虑, 折磨, 困扰, 烦恼
worry, trouble
     a strong feeling of anxiety
令人不安, 不安+的, 不安, 令 人 不安, 忧虑, 忧虑+的
     causing mental discomfort
出汗, 懊恼, 焦急, 不安, 忧虑, 烦恼
sweat, fret, stew, lather, swither
     agitation resulting from active worry
02457167-a (9)
焦急+的, 着急+的, 焦急, 闷闷不乐+的, 使不安, 使不安+的, 忧虑, 着急, 担心+的, 烦恼, 闷闷不乐, 担心, 烦恼+的, 忧虑+的, 著急
worried, upset, disturbed, distressed, disquieted
     afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief
00704249-v (9)
烦恼, 担忧, 忧心, 忧虑
brood, dwell
     think moodily or anxiously about something
07519253-n (75)
害怕, 恐惧, 忧虑, 恐怖
fear, fright, fearfulness
     an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
01767163-v (32)
V1, V2
担心, 烦恼, 担忧, 不安, 忧虑, 忧愁
     be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy
07522632-n (2)
不安, 忧虑, 悬念, 担心
     apprehension about what is going to happen
14403282-n (5)
心烦, 忧虑, 不高兴, 扰乱, 扰动, 烦恼
disturbance, perturbation, upset
     an unhappy and worried mental state
01780729-v (23)
V1, V2
, 生怕, 忧虑, , 犯 憷
     be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event
不安, 忧虑, 焦虑, 担心
disquiet, anxiousness
     a feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments
00333829-n (1)
忧虑, 打扰, 扰乱
     the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion
07526002-n (2)
不安, 忧虑, 焦虑, 忧思
     an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety; usually reserved for philosophical anxiety about the world or about personal freedom
焦急+的, 不安+的, 焦急, 不安, 忧虑, 担心+的, 担心, 忧虑+的
apprehensive, worried
     mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
担心, 担忧, 忧虑
     be uneasy or apprehensive about
02405959-a (1)
紧张不安, 紧绷绷, 紧绷, 拉紧+的, 紧张不安+的, 忧虑, 拉紧, 紧张 不安, 忧虑+的
     subjected to great tension; stretched tight
担心, 惧怕, 畏惧, 忧虑, 焦虑不安地期待, 充满 疑惧 地 等待, 疑虑, 焦虑不安 地 期待, 充满疑惧地等待
apprehend, quail at
     anticipate with dread or anxiety
14374432-n (20)
忧虑, 愁苦, 焦虑, 担心
anxiety, anxiousness
     [in psychiatry] a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic
07524529-n (20)
挂念, 忧虑, 焦虑, 关心
concern, fear, care
     an anxious feeling
07521674-n (6)
不安, 恐惧, 忧虑, 担忧, 担心
apprehension, dread, apprehensiveness
     fearful expectation or anticipation
01766748-v (10)
关心, 忧虑, 顾虑, 在乎
worry, care
     be concerned with
00185970-r (10)
焦虑+地, 眼巴巴, 渴望, 不安, 焦虑, 渴望+地, 忧虑, 眼巴巴+地, 忐忑不安, 忐忑不安+地
anxiously, uneasily, apprehensively
     with anxiety or apprehension


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