Results for « 年 » (cmn)
中華 春節, 中華春節, , 新年, 农历新年, 春节, 中国 新年, 新春佳节
Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year, Spring Festival
     a Chinese holiday celebrating the beginning of the year according to the Chinese calendar
     [in latin] year
, 年兽
nien, nian
     a mythical monster in Chinese folklore which comes down from the mountain to hunt people. It was eventually killed by villagers, who frightened it with terrible noises and fire.; mythical creature that terrorises villagers. It is known to be afraid of the colour red
15201505-n (5)
, 年头, 太阳年
     the period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun
15203791-n (432)
历年, 一年, , 年份, 十二个月, 十二 个 月
year, yr, twelvemonth
     a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days
04924103-n (75)
, 寿命, , 年纪, 年龄, 寿, 年岁, 岁数
     how long something has existed
15141059-n (1)
, 岁月
days, years
     the time during which someone's life continues


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