Results for « 天空 » (cmn)
08521267-n (2)
苍天, 天球, 天体, 天空
heavens, sphere, celestial sphere, empyrean, firmament, vault of heaven, welkin
     the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
苍穹, 天空
     personification of the sky or upper air breathed by the Olympians; son of Erebus and night or of Chaos and darkness
天空, 苍天+的, 苍天, 天空+的
     relating to the firmament or upper regions
09224566-n (2)
blue, blue air, blue sky, wild blue yonder
     the sky as viewed during daylight
09436708-n (49)
, 天空
sky, heaven
     the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth
天空, 太空+的, 最高天+的, 苍天+的, 苍天, 天空+的, 最高天, 太空
empyreal, empyrean
     of or relating to the sky or heavens
01179345-a (1)
天空, 天上, 天国+的, 天国, 天上+的
celestial, ethereal, supernal
     of heaven or the spirit
02685153-a (3)
天空, 天上, , 天+的, 天空+的, 天上+的
celestial, heavenly
     of or relating to the sky


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