Results for « 兴高采烈 » (cmn)
07527656-n (2)
振奋, 得意洋洋, 兴高采烈
elation, high spirits, lightness
     a feeling of joy and pride
热情奔放+的, 欢腾+的, 热情奔放, 兴高采烈+的, 生气勃勃+的, 兴高采烈, 欢腾, 轻快活泼, 生龙活虎+的, 热情 奔放, 轻快活泼+的, 生龙活虎, 生气勃勃, 轻快 活泼
     full of or showing high spirits
喜悦, 愉快+地, 快乐, 高兴+地, 喜悦+地, 快活, 兴高采烈+地, 愉快, 快乐+地, 兴高采烈, 快活+地, 高兴
gleefully, joyously, joyfully
     in a joyous and gleeful manner
01813668-v (1)
兴高采烈, 雀跃, 欢腾, 狂喜
walk on air, exult, be on cloud nine, jump for joy
     feel extreme happiness or elation
01829625-v (1)
兴高采烈, 情绪 高涨, 飞腾, 得意洋洋, 情绪高涨
fly high
     be elated
高昂, 兴高采烈, 欢欣
     exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits
00163236-r (2)
欢乐, 快乐, 兴高采烈+地, 快乐+地, 华丽, 兴高采烈
     in a gay manner
00705498-a (2)
极 高兴, 亢奋+的, 兴高采烈, 因喝酒或吸毒而兴奋, 极高兴, 亢奋, 因 喝酒 或 吸毒 而 兴奋, 因喝酒或吸毒而兴奋+的
high, in high spirits
     happy and excited and energetic
00236546-r (2)
没有 不高兴, 没有不高兴, 心平气和, 兴高采烈, 心平气和+地
in stride, in good spirits
     without losing equilibrium
13986372-n (6)
狂喜, 心神恍惚, 心荡神宜, 心 荡 神宜, 欢天喜地, 兴高采烈
ecstasy, rapture, transport, exaltation, raptus, ecstacy
     a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
14405225-n (1)
得意洋洋, 兴高采烈
     an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression
有 精神, 有精神, 兴高采烈
     exuberant liveliness
01367211-a (3)
兴高采烈+的, 愉快, 兴高采烈
gleeful, elated, jubilant, joyful
     full of high-spirited delight
活力, 精神充沛+的, 欢腾+的, 兴奋, 兴高采烈+的, 有 生气, 精神充沛, 兴奋+的, 兴高采烈, 欢腾, 活跃+的, 有生气, 精神 充沛, 活跃, 有生气+的, 活力+的
scintillating, sparkly, bubbling, effervescent, frothy
     marked by high spirits or excitement
02279723-a (7)
精神充沛+的, 兴高采烈+的, 精神充沛, 充满 活力, 充满活力+的, 兴高采烈, 热情 洋溢, 热情洋溢, 精神 充沛, 充满活力, 热情洋溢+的
exuberant, high-spirited, ebullient
     joyously unrestrained


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