Results for « 体谅 » (cmn)
01372049-a (4)
乐于助人+的, 好心, 温和+的, 乐于 助人, 乐於 助人, 好心+的, 敦厚仁爱+的, 和善, 宽厚+的, 好心肠, 敦厚仁爱, 体谅, 好心肠+的, 体贴+的, 有同情心+的, 友善+的, 亲切+的, 温和, 乐於助人+的, 宽厚, 和善+的, 心胸 宽阔, 善良+的, 和蔼+的, 亲切, 心胸宽阔, 仁慈+的, 体谅+的, 友好, 有 同情心, 慈祥, 乐於助人, 宽宏 大量, 和蔼, 敦厚 仁爱, 宽宏大量+的, 友善, 心胸宽阔+的, 乐于助人, 友好+的, 有同情心, 仁慈, 善良, 体贴, 宽宏大量
     having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior
00905852-v (4)
包涵, 饶恕, 宽恕, 体谅, 原谅
excuse, pardon
     accept an excuse for
04841358-n (1)
关切, 体谅, 考虑 周到, 体贴, 考虑周到, 关心
consideration, thoughtfulness, considerateness
     kind and considerate regard for others
01822724-v (2)
有 同感, 体谅, 有同感, 共鸣
sympathize, sympathise
     share the feelings of; understand the sentiments of
04749991-n (1)
回旋 余地, 体谅, 容忍, 回旋余地, 空间, 宽限, 余地
allowance, tolerance, leeway, margin
     a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
00638981-a (2)
体谅, 体贴+的, 替 … 着想, 体谅+的, 为他人著想, 替…着想, 为他人著想+的, 为 他人 著想, 体贴, 贴心
     showing concern for the rights and feelings of others
00182775-r (2)
细心+地, 体谅, 细心
     in a considerate manner
02374914-a (8)
体谅, 有同情心+的, 体谅+的, 有 同情心, 有同情心
     expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward


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