Results for « 付款 » (cmn)
02252931-v (12)
V1, V2
给钱, 给 钱, 付清, 付款
pay, pay up, ante up
     cancel or discharge a debt
02251743-v (138)
V1, V2, V3
给钱, 支付, 给 钱, , 付给, , 付款, , 付费, 缴付, 买单
     give money, usually in exchange for goods or services
02301502-v (4)
V2, V3
支出, 支付, 付款
pay out, disburse
     expend, as from a fund
01120448-n (23)
给付, 付款, 支付
payment, defrayal, defrayment
     the act of paying money
13278375-n (32)
付款, 报酬, 款项, 支付款
     a sum of money paid or a claim discharged


Seen Lemmas: cuaca; member;
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