Results for « untung » (ind)
02278830-v (2)
hasil, laba, menguntungkan, beruntung, untung
profit, turn a profit
     make a profit; gain money or materially
11418138-n (19)
kesempatan, nasib, rezeki, untung
chance, luck, fortune, hazard
     an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
13258362-n (16)
faedah, laba, perolehan, keuntungan, untung
profit, profits, earnings, net, net income, net profit, lucre
     the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
02290461-v (24)
mendapat laba, beri faedah, mendapat keuntungan, memperoleh, berguna, faedah, mengantongi, memanfaatkan, mencatat, mendapat manfaat, guna, mendapat untung, hasil, laba, manfaat, menguntungkan, beruntung, lelaba, untung
benefit, gain, profit
     derive a benefit from
05157574-n (3)
faedah, laba, manfaat, keuntungan, untung
gain, profit
     the advantageous quality of being beneficial
01468097-a (1)
bercengki, bernasib baik, baik bintangnya, bertuah, tinggi rasi, bakh, langsar, asian, beruntung, nasib baik, mujur, untung
     having or bringing good fortune


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