Results for « sebahagian » (ind)
13285176-n (45)
bahagian, sebahagian, turut merasakan sesuatu, peratus, bhg, bahagiannya, turut merasakan sst, bersama-sama, saham, sijil saham
share, part, percentage, portion
     assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group
porsi, sebahagian, hidangan
serving, portion, helping
     an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal
01722965-a (1)
sebahagian, kabir-kabiran, imbal, bantat, berat sebelah
     showing favoritism
00524693-a (5)
sebahagian, separa, hanya sebahagian
     being or affecting only a part; not total
00007703-r (37)
sebahagian, separuh
partly, part, partially
     in part; in some degree; not wholly
03892891-n (28)
bahagian, sebahagian, bhg, bahagiannya, bhg yang diwarisi, bhg yg diwarisi
part, portion
     something less than the whole of a human artifact
01085098-n (8)
juring, bahagian, sebahagian, berpenggal-penggal, potongan, habuan, terbahagi, kongsi
portion, share, parcel
     the allotment of some amount by dividing something
07654667-n (3)
sebahagian, potongan, hirisan, sekeping, potong, cebisan, iris, hiris, kepingan, keping, irisan
slice, piece
     a serving that has been cut from a larger portion
13286524-n (3)
sebahagian, bagian dari sesuatu
slice, piece
     a share of something
sebahagian, hirisan, potong, hiris, kepingan, keping, irisan
     a thin flat piece cut off of some object
13809207-n (154)
sebagian, bahagian, sebahagian, bhg, bagian
part, portion, component, constituent, component part
     something determined in relation to something that includes it


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