Results for « rumore » (ita)
14438125-n (6)
nome, autorità, credito, reputazione, rumore, onorabilità, rinomanza, riputazione
reputation, repute
     the state of being held in high esteem and honor
07430211-n (1)
chiasso, dissonanza, rumore, interferenza, cancan
interference, disturbance, noise
     electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication
07387509-n (43)
confusione, rumore
     sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound)
fruscio, rumore
background noise, ground noise
     extraneous noise contaminating sound measurements that cannot be separated from the desired signal
05720248-n (1)
noise, racket, dissonance
     the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience
07223170-n (2)
gazzettino, chiacchiera, diceria, pettegolezzo, rumore, chiacchera
gossip, comment, scuttlebutt
     a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people
07223450-n (14)
chiacchiera, diceria, rumore, fama, voce, scalpore
rumor, rumour, hearsay
     notizia che circola, proveniente da una fonte indeterminata e di cui non è possibile verificare l’attendibilità
05718254-n (16)
suono, rumore
sound, auditory sensation
     the subjective sensation of hearing something


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