Results for « rumit » (ind)
sarit, sukar, susah, runyam, payah, rumit, muskil, rumpil, sulit, senting, berat
unmanageable, difficult
     hard to control
01345307-a (9)
membosankan, rumit, menjemukan
dull, tedious, boring, irksome, tiresome, wearisome, slow, deadening, ho-hum
     so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
01795933-a (9)
rumit, kompleks
elaborate, luxuriant
     marked by complexity and richness of detail
tricky, catchy
     having concealed difficulty
02176841-a (4)
berliku-liku, berbelit-belit, kusut-masai, kusut, perang, kacau, rumit, berbelok-belok
tangled, tortuous, involved, knotty, Byzantine, convoluted
     highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
01150915-a (15)
sarit, sukar, tegar, pejal, susah, temetu, keras, rumit, makas, ganyar, deras, jegang, sulit, mangkar, mangkas, senting, begar, berat
     resisting weight or pressure
02227344-a (3)
     marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique
00744916-a (100)
sarit, sukar, susah, runyam, payah, kerih, rumit, ruwet, muskil, kompleks, rumpil, tidak senang, tidak mudah, sulit, senting, berat, tersulit
difficult, hard
     not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
genting, pahit, rumit, berbahaya
tight, nasty
     exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent
02176178-a (28)
runyam, rumit, ruwet, kompleks
     complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts
00746451-a (2)
sukar, susah, payah, rumit, sulit
knotty, baffling, elusive, tough, problematic, problematical
     making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
kerumitan, rumit, kompleksnya, rumitnya
elaboration, involution, elaborateness, intricacy
     marked by elaborately complex detail


Seen Lemmas: about; maestro; menyelubungi;
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