Results for « mondo » (ita)
09480809-n (6)
     a part of the earth that can be considered separately
mondo, umanità, genere umano, terra, gente, società, uomo, razza umana, collettivita' umana
man, world, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind
     insieme degli abitanti della terra, il complesso di tutti gli esseri umani
09466280-n (63)
natura, macrocosmo, mondo, creato, cosmo, universo
world, universe, existence, cosmos, creation, macrocosm
     everything that exists anywhere
00485081-n (1)
mondo, campana
     a game in which a child tosses a stone into an area drawn on the ground and then hops through it and back to regain the stone
13777509-n (18)
mucchio, mondo, sacco, fracco, caterva, casino, marea, fottio
lots, dozens, tons, scores, wads, stacks, heaps, piles, loads, rafts, slews, oodles, gobs, scads, lashings
     gran quantità
07965937-n (34)
world, domain
     people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest
09270894-n (82)
mondo, globo terrestre, terra, globo, Terra, globo terracqueo
Earth, world, globe, earth
     terzo pianeta del sistema solare sul quale si svolge la vita dell’uomo
ambiente, mondo, giro, cerchia, graduatoria finale, rosa, rosa dei candidati
short list, shortlist
     a list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen
08179689-n (53)
mondo, pubblico
public, world, populace
     people in general considered as a whole
05670972-n (5)
world, earth, worldly concern, earthly concern
     the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife
05809878-n (52)
mondo, realtà, mondo esterno, reale
world, reality
     all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you
09239740-n (2)
astro, mondo, corpo celeste, globo
celestial body, heavenly body
     natural objects visible in the sky


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