Results for « list » (ces)
06624161-n (66)
list, formální dopis, dopis, úřední dopis
letter, missive
     a written message addressed to a person or organization
13152742-n (26)
lístek, lupen, list
leaf, foliage, leafage
     the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
lopatka, list
vane, blade
     flat surface that rotates and pushes against air or water
03959936-n (4)
list, plech, plát, tabule
     a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic
list, folio, půlarch
folio, leaf
     a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book)
06267145-n (43)
list, noviny
newspaper, paper
     a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements
06471345-n (3)
list, doklad, potvrzení, akreditiv, vysvědčení, dekret, osvědčení, atestace, průkaz
certificate, certification, credential, credentials
     a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
list, čepel, ostří
     the flat part of a tool or weapon that (usually) has a cutting edge
06255777-n (17)
arch, list
sheet, piece of paper, sheet of paper
     paper used for writing or printing


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