Results for « jamuan » (zsm)
07573696-n (20)
jamuan, persantapan, hidangan, makanan, sajian
meal, repast
     the food served and eaten at one time
07447641-n (6)
pesta, majlis, jamuan, majlis jamuan makan malam, sambutan, parti
     an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment
jamuan makan, pesta, bankuet, jamuan, kenduri, persantapan, majlis makan
spread, feast, banquet
     a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed
08253640-n (3)
jamuan makan, bankuet, jamuan, kenduri, majlis makan, perjamuan
banquet, feast
     a ceremonial dinner party for many people
08252602-n (14)
pesta, partai, jamuan, jamuan bersuka-ria, sambutan, perjamuan, parti
     a group of people gathered together for pleasure


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