Results for « eccesso » (ita)
05098099-n (6)
estremo, eccesso
     the furthest or highest degree of something
05118437-n (2)
dismisura, smisuratezza, smoderatezza, estremo, smodatezza, esagerazione, eccesso, oltranza
excess, excessiveness, inordinateness
     immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits
smoderatezza, eccesso, immoderatezza
immoderation, immoderateness
     the quality of being excessive and lacking in moderation
05119714-n (12)
surplus, eccedente, sovreccedente, eccedenza, avanzo, superfluo, sopravanzo, sopreccedente, soprappiù, sovrappiù, eccesso, supero, esubero
surplus, excess, surplusage, nimiety
     a quantity much larger than is needed


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