Results for « daratan » (ind)
02810102-a (1)
terestrial, darat, daratan
terrestrial, terrene, tellurian, telluric
     of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air
terestrial, darat, daratan
     operating or living or growing on land
13246662-n (8)
bumi, tanah yg diusahakan, estet, tanah yang diusahakan, tanah, daratan, tanah milik
acres, land, estate, demesne, landed estate
     extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use
09334396-n (116)
bumi, permukaan bumi, buana, tanah, darat, daratan
ground, earth, land, terra firma, dry land, solid ground
     the solid part of the earth's surface
bumi, perladangan, pertanian, tanah, penternakan, daratan, perkebunan
farming, land
     agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life
13250048-n (22)
bumi, daerah, tanah, daratan
     the land on which real estate is located
14842992-n (27)
bumi, permukaan bumi, tanah, daratan
earth, ground
     the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface


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