Results for « No » (eng)
07205104-n (21)
no      a negative
no, nope, nah      an expression that is uttered to show disagreement
00050681-r (50)
no, no more      referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present
well, dear, ah, why, ha, wow, hey, oh, no way, gad, son of a bitch, whoosh, humph, whoof, mercy, say, man, gee-whiz, gracious, phew, upon my soul, golly, caramba, my, hollo, lord, good, boy, what, alack, dear me, crazy, whew, goodness, cor, doggone, gosh, zounds, huh, indeed, ho, gee, so, deuce, oh no, coo, heigh, yow, oho, jiminy, heck, hoo-ha, heigh-ho, heyday, upon my word, blimey, the devil, shit, oh dear, dear knows, goodness me, goodness gracious, my goodness, no, jeez, geez, oh my, my my, my oh my, ooh la la, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy moley, my god, good heavens, good heaven, my word, by jove, haha, hahaha, by thunder, by heaven      an expression that is uttered to show surprise or wonder
13597280-n (8)
no., ordinal number, ordinal, no      the number designating place in an ordered sequence
02268485-a (135)
no      quantifier, not any or not at all
00024587-r (4)
no      not in any degree or manner; not at all
06425065-n (1)
number, identification number, No      a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification
no, nope, nah      used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement
nobelium, No, atomic number 102      a radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding curium with carbon ions; 7 isotopes are known


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