Results for « tarik hati » (zsm)
menarik, tarik hati, tarik
     exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away
01807882-v (5)
V1, V2
menarik, menarik perhatian, berseru, tertarik, tarik hati, tertambat, hambat, menawan hati, menawan, ambil hati, terpikat
attract, appeal
     be attractive to
01505254-v (36)
V2, V3
menarik, mempesona, menarik perhatian, melukis, tarik hati, tertambat, menawan hati, memikat, tarik, menambat, menawan, mengikat hati, ambil hati, mencuri hati, menggoda hati
attract, pull, pull in, draw in, draw
     direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes


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