Results for « kepiluan » (zsm)
07533097-n (4)
kesedihan, kepiluan, kesayuan
     a feeling of thoughtful sadness
07537485-n (1)
kesedihan, kepiluan, kemurungan, kemuraman
     sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
kedukaan, duka, kesedihan, kepiluan, kemurungan, dukacita
sadness, sorrow, sorrowfulness
     the state of being sad
14486274-n (16)
kesedihan, berputus-asa, putus asa, kepiluan, perasaan putus asa, putus harapan
despair, desperation
     a state in which all hope is lost or absent
kedukaan, kesedihan, kepiluan
dolor, dolour
     [in poetry] painful grief
05833683-n (1)
kedukaan, kesedihan, kepiluan, kemurungan, dukacita
sorrow, grief
     something that causes great unhappiness
07535010-n (5)
kedukacitaan, sakit hati, kedukaan, rasa sedih, kekecewaan, kesedihan, remuk hati, rasa hiba, rasa pilu, kehibaan hati, kepiluan, dukacita, seksaan jiwa
grief, heartache, heartbreak, brokenheartedness
     intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death)
07541923-n (8)
kesedihan, berputus-asa, kepiluan, hilang harapan
     the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well
kesedihan, kehibaan hati, kepiluan, kesayuan, kemurungan, kesuraman, kemuraman
gloominess, gloom, glumness
     an atmosphere of depression and melancholy
07494363-n (14)
sengsara, kesakitan, keseksaan, seksa, kepiluan, kesengsaraan
pain, painfulness
     emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid


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