Results for « bergurau » (zsm)
00431005-n (1)
jenaka, gurauan, kelakar, lawak, bergurau
joke, jest, jocularity
     activity characterized by good humor
00853633-v (3)
berseloroh, bercanda, melawak, berolok-olok, berlawak, bergurau, berjenaka, bergarah-garah, berkelakar, bercura
joke, jest
     tell a joke; speak humorously
00855295-v (4)
berlawak-lawak, menghiburkan, berhibur, bergurau senda, memperolok-olokkan, berseloroh, mempersendakan, bermain-main, berolok-olok, bergurau, bersenda gurau, berkelakar, mengusik
kid, chaff, banter, jolly, josh
     be silly or tease one another
01267076-a (3)
suka berkelakar, suka berjenaka, bergurau
jocular, jocose, jesting, joking
     characterized by jokes and good humor
00854150-v (2)
bermain-main, bergurau
fool around, horse around, arse around, fool
     indulge in horseplay
00851100-v (7)
memperolok-olokkan, mempermainkan, bergurau
kid, pull the leg of
     tell false information to for fun
00850501-v (9)
mempengaruhi, ejek, mengerahkan, mencela, acah, memperolok-olokkan, menyeksa jiwa, mengejek, menggiat, mengkritik, mempersendakan, menyindirkan, mengacau, mencemooh, menggangu, mengusik-usik, mempermainkan, mendera, sakat, bergurau, perli, mengusik, garah-garah
taunt, tease, tantalize, bait, ride, rag, rally, razz, cod, tantalise, twit
     harass with persistent criticism or carping
00427580-n (2)
telatah, helah, usikan, tipu helah, muslihat, perangai, kepandaian, mempermainkan, gelagat, bergurau, tipu
trick, joke, antic, prank, caper, put-on
     a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
00105554-v (1)
gurau, berkocak-kocak, senda, cadai, jenaka, berseloroh, celatuk, gurauan, kecandan, bercanda, lelucon, cumbuan, melawak, berolok-olok, berlawak, berogak-ogak, bergurau, berjenaka, bersenda gurau, bergarah-garah, gurau senda, banyol, bercura
joke, jest
     act in a funny or teasing way
06778102-n (17)
gelak manis, gurau-senda, bersenda, canda, gurau, bergurau-senda, senda, jenaka, berseloroh, gurauan, kejenakaan, bersenda-senda, kelakar, lawak, seloroh, bergurau, bersenda gurau, buat kelakar, bergurau-gurau, gurau senda
joke, gag, jest, laugh, jape
     a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter


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