13246662-n 'extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use';
Czech majetek , panství , půda , pozemek , realita , nemovitost
Chinese (simplified) 不动产 , 地产 , 领地 , 领土
英語 acres 4 , land 2 , estate 2 , demesne , landed estate
Indonesian bumi , tanah yg diusahakan , estet , tanah yang diusahakan , tanah , daratan , tanah milik
Italian campagna , terra , possedimento , fondo , tenuta , proprieta'-terriera , latifondo
日本語 地所 , 所有地 , 私有地 , 土地
Malaysian tanah yg diusahakan , tanah yang diusahakan , daratan , tanah milik
extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use
the family owned a large estate on Long Island
porzione di terreno, fuori da centri urbani, con vegetazione spontanea o coltivata, spec. per uso agricolo
ho ereditato un fondo condotto da mio fratello coltivatore diretto; abbiamo preso la terra in eredità dai nostri padri
Hyponym: countryseat freehold barony leasehold crown_land plantation glebe hacienda smallholding manor fief homestead entail seigneury
Hypernym: real_property
Semantic Field: possessionn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>