09367203-n 'anything indispensable';
Czech potřeba , nutnost , nezbytnost
Chinese (simplified) 需要 , 必需品 , 要素
英語 requirement 18 ( ) , necessity 7 ( ) , essential 1 ( ) , requisite ( ) , necessary
Indonesian kewajipan , syarat , barang yang perlu , keperluan asas , mustahak , keperluan , kebutuhan , perlu , kemestian
Italian bisognevole , necessità , fabbisogno , occorrente , necessario , esigenza
日本語 必需 , 不可欠 , 必要 , 必須 , 必需品
Malaysian kewajipan , syarat , barang yang perlu , keperluan , kebutuhan , kemestian
anything indispensable
food and shelter are necessities of life; the essentials of the good life; allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions; a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained
食物と住居は、生活の必需品である; いい生活に不可欠の物; 農民が良好な状況の下で彼らの要求で購入することを可能にする; 水と燃料と飼料という必需品を手に入れることができる場所
Hyponym: desideratum need must
See also: 70100039-n
Hypernym: thing
Antonym: inessential
Semantic Field: objectn
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