80001653-v 'to badly or carelessly imitate someone, producing poor results, even to the extent of embarrassing oneself [Lit: {neighbouring person who is ugly} imitating the furrowed brow {of a beautiful person}] (wangwenjie)';
Chinese (simplified) 东施效颦
to badly or carelessly imitate someone, producing poor results, even to the extent of embarrassing oneself [Lit: {neighbouring person who is ugly} imitating the furrowed brow {of a beautiful person}] (wangwenjie)
also used to describe one modestly or self-effacingly, that one's ability is poor and thus unable to properly learn someone else's abilities (wangwenjie)
Chinese (simplified)
比喻模仿别人模仿不好,或者胡乱地模仿,使得效果非常差,甚至导致自己出丑 (wangwenjie)
也有自谦之意,表示自己能力根底不足,而无法学好别人的本领或长处 (wangwenjie)
Domain–Usage: Chinese four-character idiom
Semantic Field: unknown
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