Results for « minuman keras » (ind)
minuman keras
     any strong spirits (such as strong whisky or rum)
07884567-n (3)
minuman keras, minuman beralkohol, alkohol, arak, minuman
alcohol, intoxicant, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage, inebriant
     a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent
14941230-n (7)
minuman keras, arak
     a liquid substance that is a solution (or emulsion or suspension) used or obtained in an industrial process
07903208-n (3)
minuman keras, brendi, brandi
     liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice
07901587-n (13)
minuman keras, arak, arak yang beralkohol, arak yg beralkohol, sajang
liquor, spirits, booze, hard drink, hard liquor, John Barleycorn, strong drink
     an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented


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