Results for « mesin » (ind)
03701640-n (15)
mesin, jentera
     machines or machine systems collectively
11417561-n (2)
enjin, mesin, jentera
     something used to achieve a purpose
10278666-n (2)
mesin, jentera
     an efficient person
08264759-n (2)
mesin, jentera
     an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently
03699975-n (33)
mesin, loket, sistem, jentera, pesawat
     any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks
mesin, mesin politik, jentera
machine, political machine
     a group that controls the activities of a political party
03700963-n (1)
mesin, sistem, pesawat sederhana, radas, jentera
machine, simple machine
     a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point
02958343-n (89)
mesin, automobil, otomobil, kereta, mobil, auto, kendaraan bermotor, motokar
car, automobile, auto, motorcar, machine
     a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine


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