Results for « logik » (ind)
02499301-a (6)
lojik, wajar, logik
logical, legitimate
     based on known statements or events or conditions
masuk akal, konsisten, logik
coherence, coherency
     logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts
14420464-n (5)
kepaduan, koherensi, masuk akal, kejelekitan, keeratan, kohesi, konsisten, logik, daya pemaut, kekuatan tarik, paduan, kekompakan, kesatuan
cohesion, cohesiveness, coherence, coherency
     the state of cohering or sticking together
00464513-a (3)
masuk akal, logik, logical, koheren
coherent, consistent, logical, ordered
     marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
ilmuyang logik, ilmu mantik, ilmuyg logik, logika, mantik, logik, ilmu lojik
logic, logical system, system of logic
     a system of reasoning
05871618-n (1)
lojik, ilmuyang logik, ilmuyg logik, mantik, logik, ilmu lojik, cara pemikiran
     the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation
05615028-n (2)
lojik, masuk akal, logik, akal, kewajaran
     reasoned and reasonable judgment
01430111-a (6)
lojik, makul, berdasarkan logika, wajar, mantiki, logis, logik
     capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning


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