Results for « lemon » (ind)
12711596-n (1)
limau kuning, limau, lemon
lemon tree, lemon, Citrus limon
     a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit ❲Citrus limon❳
bawang putih, lemon, tahini
hummus, humus, hommos, hoummos, humous
     a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and garlic; used especially as a dip for pita; originated in the Middle East
02369460-a (1)
lemon, masam
tart, lemony, lemonlike, sourish, tangy
     tasting sour like a lemon
07749582-n (4)
jeruk nipis, limau kuning, limau, lemon
     yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh


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