Results for « keriuhan » (ind)
07385660-n (2)
kebisingan, riuh-rendah, keriuhan, kekecohan, kerecokan, bunyi bising, keadaan tidak teratur
hubbub, uproar, brouhaha, katzenjammer
     loud confused noise from many sources
00554300-n (2)
riuh-rendah, hiruk-pikuk, kerusuhan, keseronokan, keadaan kelam-kabut, huru-hara, hingar-bingar, rusuhan, keriuhan, kekecohan, gangguan, agitasi, pergolakan, kegemparan, keghairahan, kekacauan, heboh, kecoh
excitement, agitation, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo
     disturbance usually in protest
07529377-n (4)
kegembiraan yang besar, seronok, riang, keriuhan, keriangan, kegembiraan, syok
glee, hilarity, mirth, mirthfulness, gleefulness
     great merriment
13977366-n (7)
kerusuhan, hiru-biru, keadaan kelam-kabut, kegoncangan, kehuru-haraan, keriuhan, kekecohan, gangguan, keadaan huru-hara, keributan, kegemparan, kekacauan
commotion, disturbance, flutter, disruption, hurly burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah, kerfuffle
     a disorderly outburst or tumult
07122118-n (2)
kebisingan, riuh-rendah, keriuhan, bunyi bising
clamoring, hue and cry, clamor, clamour, clamouring
     loud and persistent outcry from many people
07442068-n (1)
keriuhan, kekecohan, kegemparan
whirl, commotion
     confused movement
keriuhan, keributan, kegemparan
     emotional agitation and excitement
07377682-n (25)
aum, mengaum, keriuhan, gemuruh, ngauman, bunyi gemuruh, suara dentum, deruan, tempikan
roar, thunder, boom, roaring
     a deep prolonged loud noise
00555138-n (6)
kerumunan, kesibukan, bergerak, keriuhan, kekecohan, kehibukan, berhimpitan, keributan, asakan, randu, kegemparan, kekacauan, kecoh, kesulitan
flurry, bustle, ado, hustle, fuss, stir
     a rapid active commotion


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