Results for « bengkok » (ind)
02312450-a (2)
bengkok, senget, miring, condong
cockeyed, awry, wonky, askew, lopsided, skew-whiff
     turned or twisted toward one side
bekuk, bengkol, bengkok, melekokkan, bengkokkan, melenturkan, membengkokkan, lengkungkan, membelengkokan, melentukkan, lentur, kelok, melengkok, melendut, melontai, membengkok, tunduk, bergeduyut, membentuk, melaur, menggeleding, lengkok, mengelokkan, lendut, melentur, melengkungkan, menjerungkung, merunduk
flex, bend
     bend a joint
bengkong, bengkok, rongkoh, selingkuh, curang, meleyot, mengot, toggek, korup, bongkok, belok, pelekuk
corrupt, crooked
     not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive
02312354-a (1)
hooked, aquiline
     curved down like an eagle's beak
02311544-a (2)
bengkong, bengkok, rongkoh, meleyot, mengot, toggek, bongkok, belok, pelekuk
     having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned
00680005-a (1)
bengkok, penyok, renyuk, ronyok, peot
crumpled, bent, dented
     of metal e.g.
02062632-v (19)
merundukkan badan, bengkok, gerumuk, meringkuk, rongkok, menunduk, mengokol, melekokkan, dekam, melengkung, membelengkokan, merundukkan dahan, terbongkok-bongkok, melontai, mendekam, merangkung, tunduk, bergeduyut, merudu, membungkuk, membentuk, melaur, menundukkan, membekuk, membongkokkan, membongkok, menjerungkung, dengkol, merunduk
crouch, stoop, bend, bow
     bend one's back forward from the waist on down
bengkok, pengkar, berkaki bengkok
bowed, bandy, bandy-legged, bowleg, bowlegged
     have legs that curve outward at the knees
00271998-r (1)
bengkok, miring, condong
awry, amiss
     away from the correct or expected course


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