10428004-n 'a scientist trained in physics';
Czech fyzik
Chinese (simplified) 物理 学者 , 物理学家 , 物理学者
English physicist 3 ( )
Indonesian ahli fizik , fisikawan
Italian fisico
Japanese 物理学者
Malaysian ahli fizik
a scientist trained in physics
Hyponym: acoustician biophysicist townes astronomer nuclear_physicist
Hypernym: scientist
Instance: young curie lorentz wollaston goddard charles wilson fourier huygens gamow shockley lippmann avogadro landau hawking fahrenheit millikan ohm boltzmann franck dewar van_der_waals zworykin maxwell joliot michelson torricelli archimedes nernst brockhouse kastler joliot-curie gilbert bardeen esaki carnot rutherford arrhenius roentgen henry van_vleck thomson powell einstein thompson newton hess van_de_graaff faraday planck dalton fuchs coulomb prokhorov yang_chen_ning reaumur kelvin meissner anderson gabor geiger fresnel pitot foucault zeeman joule weber hertz lodge fechner heaviside crookes oersted rayleigh lenard helmholtz neel becquerel doppler mach tyndall alhazen weinberg kirchhoff gay-lussac bernoulli wheatstone van_allen thomson appleton volta cavendish
Domain–Category: physics
Semantic Field: personn
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