02181432-a 'unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech';
Czech hladký
Chinese (simplified) 谄媚+的 , 油嘴+的 , 过分恭维+的 , 过誉 , 油嘴滑舌+的 , 过誉+的 , 油嘴滑舌 , 阿谀奉承+的 , 奉承+的 , 爱说奉承话+的 , 阿谀奉承 , 过分恭维 , 油嘴 , 谄媚 , 奉承 , 爱说奉承话 , 会 奉承 , 爱 说 奉承话 , 油嘴 滑舌 , 过分 恭维 , 圆滑+的 , 油腔滑调 , 圆滑 , 油腔滑调+的 , 会奉承+的 , 会奉承
English oily 1 ( ) , buttery , oleaginous ( ) , fulsome ( ) , smarmy ( ) , soapy , unctuous ( )
Indonesian pura-pura , manis di mulut saja , berpura-pura
Italian mellifluo , untuoso
Malaysian pura-pura , suka bermanis mulut , mengangkat-angkat sahaja , manis di mulut saja , berpura-pura , suka bermanis-manis
; ; ; ;
unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
buttery praise; gave him a fulsome introduction; an oily sycophantic press agent; oleaginous hypocrisy; smarmy self-importance
Similar to: insincere
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>