09702134-n 'a person of Anglo-Saxon (especially British) descent whose native tongue is English and whose culture is strongly influenced by English culture as in WASP for `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant'';
Czech Anglosas
Chinese (simplified) 盎格鲁撒克逊人 , 盎格鲁 撒克逊人
English Anglo-Saxon
Indonesian orang Anglo-Saxon
Italian anglosassone
Japanese アングロサクソン
Malaysian orang Anglo-Saxon
a person of Anglo-Saxon (especially British) descent whose native tongue is English and whose culture is strongly influenced by English culture as in WASP for `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant'
in the ninth century the Vikings began raiding the Anglo-Saxons in Britain; his ancestors were not just British, they were Anglo-Saxons
バイキングが英国でアングロサクソン人を襲撃し始めた9世紀めに; 彼の先祖は単に英国人というだけでなく、アングロサクソンだった
Hypernym: english_person
Domain–Region: united_kingdom
Semantic Field: personn
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