Results for « outside » (eng)
01350225-a (7)
outside, external, extraneous      coming from the outside
away, outside      [in baseball] (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter
01692969-a (5)
outside      relating to or being on or near the outer side or limit
01413084-a (4)
remote, outside      unlikely to occur
outside      on or toward an outer edge
00952761-a (3)
outside      leading to or from the outside
00110659-r (20)
outside, out of doors, outdoors, alfresco      outside a building
00948514-a (4)
outside      originating or belonging beyond some bounds:
01347749-a (3)
outside      functioning outside the boundaries or precincts of an organized unit
08613472-n (2)
outside, exterior      the outer side or surface of something
00110919-r (6)
outside      on the outside
08613593-n (8)
outside, exterior      the region that is outside of something
01037885-a (12)
international, outside, external      from or between other countries
01692222-a (9)
outdoor, outside, out-of-door      located, suited for, or taking place in the open air


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