Results for « ha-ha » (eng)
07127911-n (1)
horselaugh, ha-ha, haw-haw, hee-haw      a loud laugh that sounds like a horse neighing
ha, yes, aha, hear, huzzah, hubba-hubba, ole, zowie, keno, so, wahoo, hurrah, fabulous, fantastic, great, awesome, marvellous, super, swell, cheers, excellent, yay, hooray, yeehaw, yee-haw, ta-da, ta da, voila, haha, hahaha, hurray, woot, w00t, mwah ha ha, bwah ha ha      an expression that is uttered to show approval, triumph or enthusiasm
well, dear, ah, why, ha, wow, hey, oh, no way, gad, son of a bitch, whoosh, humph, whoof, mercy, say, man, gee-whiz, gracious, phew, upon my soul, golly, caramba, my, hollo, lord, good, boy, what, alack, dear me, crazy, whew, goodness, cor, doggone, gosh, zounds, huh, indeed, ho, gee, so, deuce, oh no, coo, heigh, yow, oho, jiminy, heck, hoo-ha, heigh-ho, heyday, upon my word, blimey, the devil, shit, oh dear, dear knows, goodness me, goodness gracious, my goodness, no, jeez, geez, oh my, my my, my oh my, ooh la la, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy moley, my god, good heavens, good heaven, my word, by jove, haha, hahaha, by thunder, by heaven      an expression that is uttered to show surprise or wonder
sunk fence, ha-ha, haw-haw      a ditch with one side being a retaining wall; used to divide lands without defacing the landscape


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