80001429-v 'finish something or something happens before a certain limit (takkur)';
- 日语
ある期限までに何かを終える、あるいは何かが起こる (takkur)
― 雨が間に合ったため、稲が枯れずにすんだ; このペースでやっていても、締切りに間に合わない
- 英语
finish something or something happens before a certain limit (takkur)
― it rained just before the rice plants died, they could survive; if we keep doing at this pace, we would miss the deadline
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takkur (2016-04-06 05:59:41)
which synset is adequate for a hypernym? candidate:finish(00484166-v), happen(00339934-v)
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Francis Bond